Sesame Street in Communities provides hundreds of bilingual multi-media tools to help kids and families enrich and expand their knowledge during the early years of birth through six, a critical window for brain development. Sesame Street’s resources engage kids and adults in everyday moments and daily routines—from teaching early math and literacy concepts, to encouraging families to eat nutritious foods, to serious topics such as grief and food insecurity. Through ongoing collaboration, training experiences, and local partnerships, the Sesame Street in Communities initiative evolves and helps make a difference. Resources are online and available at no cost to families and caregivers.

Sesame Street in Communities provides different topics, each with resources that help kids (and parents!) with what matters most in young lives: health and wellness, social-emotional skills, and school readiness. All are critical to children’s healthy development and together they build the foundation for a happy, healthy life. All of the following topics are available on the Sesame Street in Communities website or via clicking on the individual topics below: Topic videos are additionally available in English & Spanish on the Sesame Street In Communities YouTube channel
- Difficult Times & Tough Talks — Community Violence, Coping with Incarceration, Dealing with Divorce, Family Caregiving, Family Homelessness, Foster Care, Handling Emergencies, Helping Kids Grieve, Offering Comfort, Resilience, Parental Addiction, Veterans and Changes, Displacement and Resettlement, Racial Injustice, Traumatic Experiences
- Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds — Caring & Sharing, Caring for Kids, Eating Well, Explaining Autism, Exploring Emotions, Family Bonding, Handling Tantrums, Learning Through Play, Learning Through Routines, Managing Asthma, Milestones, Moving Our Bodies, Staying Healthy, You Matter Most
- ABCs’s & 123’s — Building Language Skills, Developing Math Skills, Financial Education, Reading & Writing, School Readiness, Science
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