Free Chol Soo Lee
Join WXXI for a special screening and discussion of Free Chol Soo Lee on Monday, March 27, 2023 at 6:30-8:30pm at The Little Theatre. The rollercoaster life story of Chol Soo Lee, a Korean immigrant wrongfully convicted of murder. Sentenced to life for a 1973 San Francisco murder, Korean immigrant Chol Soo Lee was set free after a pan-Asian solidarity movement, which included Korean, Japanese, and Chinese Americans, helped to overturn his conviction. After 10 years of fighting for his life inside California state prisons, Lee found himself in a new fight to rise to the expectations of the people who believed in him.
Film Description: Sentenced to death for a 1973 San Francisco murder, Korean immigrant Chol Soo Lee was set free after a pan-Asian solidarity movement of Korean, Japanese, and Chinese Americans helped to overturn his conviction. After 10 years of fighting for his life inside San Quentin, Lee found himself in a new fight to rise to the expectations of the people who believed in him. On his journey from an inspiring icon to a swing-shift janitor struggling with drug addiction, Chol Soo Lee personifies the ravages of America’s prison industrial complex Learn More About the Film https://www.pbs.org/independentlens/documentaries/free-chol-soo-lee/
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