What & Where to Watch: WXXI Channels & Livestreams Guide:
Ready, Jet, Go! Episodes & Block Party Activities
Total Eclipse of the Sunspot; Sean’s Year in Space: Sunspot acts strange when Mindy, Jet, Sean and Syndey use a solar panel to try to improve energy efficiency; Sean is excited about NASA’s Year in Space program. Length: 30 Minutes
WXXI PBS Kids 24/7 & Live Stream | Saturday, Apr. 6 at 06:30 pm
Eye in the Sky; Total Eclipse Block Party: Bad weather threatens Sean’s first sleepout with his Space Scouts troop; the kids prepare a total eclipse song and dance. Length: 30 Minutes
WXXI PBS Kids 24/7 & Live Stream| Sunday, Apr. 7 at 06:30 pm
Ready, Jet, Go! Solar Eclipse Clip & Song
Ready, Jet, Go! Solar Eclipse Block Party Activities
Nature Cat: Total Eclipse of the Sun
Freezin’ in the Summer Season; Total Eclipse of the Sun: Dark clouds threaten Nature Cat’s annual Summer Fest, which includes the Summer Fest Sprinkler Frolic, a bike ride and a kickball game; Hal is afraid of the total eclipse of the sun. Length: 30 Minutes
WXXI-TV & WXXI-TV Livestream | Monday, Apr. 8 at 12:30 pm & again at 4:30 pm
Curious George: George’s Dark Day

Curious George: George’s Dark Day; Leaf Raker: George and the Man with the Yellow Hat are excited to view the solar eclipse, but George accidentally leaves their eclipse viewing glasses behind; Bill teaches George the art of leaf-raking. Length: 30 Minutes
WXXI-TV & WXXI-TV Livestream | Monday, Apr. 8 at 01:00 pm
WXXI PBS Kids 24/7 & Live Stream | Monday, Apr. 8 at 11:00 am
NOVA: The Great American Eclipse
Scientists prepare new experiments to study the solar eclipse. Length: 60 Minutes
WXXI World | Sunday, Apr. 7 at 08:00 pm
WXXI-TV & WXXI-TV Livestream | Wednesday, Apr. 10 at 04:00 pm
More Activities:
PBS KIDS Solar Eclipse Digital Kit for PreK-2nd grade (from WXXI Education)

Solar Eclipse Games and Activities from NYS Libraries

Connect to PBS LearningMedia for Space Resource Collections & Solar Eclipse Resources

Space Collection: Resources organized by grade levels. (K-2) (3-5) (6-8) & (9-12) Note particularly the Solar Eclipses Lessons & Interactives for 6-8 and 9-12 Bringing the Universe to America’s Classrooms: Engage K–12 students with phenomena and science practices using this collection of supplementary digital media resources created by GBH in collaboration with NASA. The resources align with key NGSS Earth, space, and physical science disciplinary core ideas. To ensure that science content is accessible for all students, supports are included for students with disabilities or who are English learners; many resources have Spanish translations.
Eclipses: CrashCourse
See the Great American Eclipse Video (From 2017)