This new six-part drama, based on the bestselling novel written by Anthony Horowitz, CBE, is a sequel to the acclaimed 2022 Masterpiece adaptation of Horowitz’s Magpie Murders.
Moonflower Murders on Masterpiece premieres Sunday, September 15 at 9 p.m. on WXXI-TV.
Returning in the lead roles they originated in Magpie Murders are Academy Award-nominee Lesley Manville (The Crown, Phantom Thread) as editor turned sleuth Susan Ryeland and Timothy McMullan (Patrick Melrose, The Crown) as famous literary detective Atticus Pünd.
Moonflower Murders is the second novel in Horowitz’s Susan Ryeland series. Published in 2020, it was lauded as “a fiendishly plotted crime novel, with a fabulous twist” by the Guardian and picks up where Magpie Murders left off: Susan has left the cut-throat world of publishing and is living in Crete with her longtime boyfriend, Andreas. She ends up returning to London when she is asked to investigate a mystery relating to Alan Conway, the author of the bestselling Atticus Pünd mysteries, whose death changed her life in Magpie Murders.
Photo: Susan Ryeland (Lesley Manville)/ Credit: Eleventh Hour Films and MASTERPIECE