WXXI Education has pulled together educational support resources related to learning about invasive species.
In support of New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) new documentary called “Uninvited: The Spread of Invasive Species”, WXXI Education staff have collected resources from our partners and PBS LearningMedia that are appropriate for use with middle and high school students.
These materials touch on: invasive species, climate change, biodiversity, human activity, stewardship, restoration, community science, and more.
NYSDEC Resources
The following materials are resources shared by New York State Department of Environmental Convservation:
- Invasive Species Education & Outreach Initiatives
- K-12 Invasive Species Educator Resources: It is crucial that students have a basic understanding of invasive species and what they can do to help stop the spread. By instilling this knowledge at an early age, we can help mold them into becoming good stewards of the environment. Incorporate invasive species into your classroom by utilizing these resources.
- About Uninvited: The documentary introduces the concept of invasive species and highlights some of the species threatening New York’s environment and economy, while also showing some innovative ways that New York State is combatting these threats. Uninvited features the collaborative work of DEC and its partners including NYS Department of Agriculture & Markets, the eight Partnerships for Regional Invasive Species Management (PRISMs), New York State Invasive Species Research Institute (NYISRI), and more. More details can be found here: https://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/114620.html
Watch the full documentary here:
Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management (PRISM) Resources
The following materials are provided by New York State’s PRISMs and Finger Lakes PRISM:
- Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management
- Finger Lakes PRISM
- Invasive Species Profiles
- Map of FL PRISM Working Area
- Aquatic and Terrestrial Field Guides
- Reports and Publications
PBS LearningMedia Resources
To support instruction, WXXI Education has pulled together a list of educational resources available through PBS LearningMedia:

Topic: Invasive Species
- Aquatic Invasive Species
- Warming Climate and Invasive Species
- Fighting an Invasive Species By Adding It to the Menu
- The Age of Nature Collection
- RARE: Invasive Species Threaten Island Diversity
- Prairie Fire: Controlling Invasive Species
- Lesson Plan: Invent Your Own Device to Battle Invasive Species
- Ghost Forests
Topic: Climate Change
- Weather & Climate
- Climate Change Impacts & Solutions: Drought
- Clue into Climate
- Climate Change and the Pacific Islands
- Climate Literacy
- Antarctica’s Climate Secret
- Polar Sciences
- Global & Regional Climate Change
Topic: Stewardship / Human Impact /Conservation
- Human Impact on the Environment
- Young Voices for the Planet Film Series
- Starting Habits for Conservation Early
- Nature Works Everywhere
- Taking Care of Nature
- Environmental Engineering & Problem Solving
- River Rewilding: Evaluating Impacts on Ecosystems and Communities
- Alabama Wildlife Rehab Center
- The Forever Chemicals
Topic: Biodiversity / Ecosystems
- What is Biodiversity?
- Three Levels of Biodiversity
- The Importance of Biodiversity
- Kentucky’s Natural Heritage: An Interactive Guide to Biodiversity
- Human Activities That Threaten Biodiversity
- Great Lakes Ecosystems
- Great Lakes Now: An Exploration of the Great Lakes
- The Great Lakes Watershed
- Meet the Great Lakes
- Great Lakes Now Virtual Field Trip